Fuchsia Semi Dedicated Server is a Dedicated Server which is shared only between
less number of clients.
With our Semi-dedicated Server Hosting Plan you enjoy all the same benefits of a dedicated server,
you have access to a large portion of the server resources, allowing you to run more traffic and
resource intensive websites as well as more complex scripts and software's without CPU latency
becoming an issue. You also save your costs to a good extent by investing in a semi-dedicated server
as you only pay a fraction of the cost over a dedicated server and control panel license fees comes
down without comprising on its features, functions and interface.
Fuchsia Semi-Dedicated Servers bridge the gap between vps hosting and a full fledged dedicated server.
It is the perfect intermediary step between migrating from a virtual private server to a dedicated server.
As a Semi-Dedicated Server client you need not worry about the system administration resources and server
management, as Fuchsia takes utmost care of the server administration and any other technical concerns
that may arise.
Our progressive semi dedicated server hosting plans give you room to expand before you have to invest in a full
fledged dedicated server.
What is Semi-dedicated Hosting?
Semi-Dedicated server can be considered as a good option before you look for your own dedicated server for the site
that has acquired considerable online presence and that need lower ratio of accounts per server. Although Semi-dedicated
server gives you limited numbers of sites in particular server but you can save cost by low monthly fees and still you
can enjoy the features of dedicated server like custom-made Control Panel with high end hardware that include Dual Quad
Core Intel Processors (8 Cores) equipped with unlimited pop email, MySQL Databases, email forwarding, Spam assassin
anti-spam email processor, auto responders, email forwarding and many more features.